Sunday 28 July 2013

EU Expansion and Immigration

I have been very curious of how the EU will benefit the UK as it continues to expand. I have no illmp-feelings again Europe, but I believed that the EU was supposed to bring more to the UK.

I have heard stories about people struggling to get employment in other European countries, but many flock to the UK and are presented with the same options as Brits.

I love how cosmopolitan the UK is getting but I am starting to see the cracks. The EU seems to cause more problems for the UK than benefits. Reading a Daily Telegraph article, I am faced with even more questions about staying in the EU.

We are a very small island, but we are being forced to accommodate much more than we can handle, but we bring most of our problems on ourselves. We rigidly adhere to the rules and regulations of the EU, while all other countries seem to pick and choose what rules they will obey.

We are in the midst of a recession, but we are still giving out free money. The job search is hard and the amount of jobs in relation to unemployed is a high margin, but it will only get bigger as more people descend on the UK.

I don't consider myself very political, but there must be something that could reduce the influx of immigration without alienating those that will benefit our economy. I assumed that the whole point of joining the EU was to increase our economy, not become a burden on our resources.

When our economy continues to falter due to all that our Governement are paying out, with little being paid in; then we will understand the problems that we are faced. People complain now about their welfare income and how inefficient it is, but they don't seem to understand that ALL the money that the Government use is generated from tax paid by the working-class!

The methods that the Governement are using to encourage immigrants to return home are the wrong approach; because most people are here for a reason, not necessarily by choice!

I am not voting for UKIP any time soon, but their thoughts on the EU are somewhat interesting. I would like to think that the EU was fair to all countries within it, but unfortunately due to some countries not adhering to the same rules the process can not work very well. 

Some people that have ended there search for a better future in the UK have ended up here due to rejection from other EU countries. If all countries in the EU are not sharing the load then its not going to work. (That's my opinion anyway.)

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